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Showing posts from March, 2014

Not Special, but exceptional

It's been a long time since I put in a post; call it lack of what the students say they are doing when they want to listen to their music ("I'm multitasking").  For the last 3 months, I had the privilege of working for a special education teacher who cannot be replaced, and I had to "walk in [her] shoes." I can tell that this educator is a phenom; just by the way the students refer to her all the time!  I am not special education certified; I'd like to think I am exceptionally certified though (and because of my diverse background I think I have that covered from my previous blogs, though there are those that see that diversity as instability, but I won't go down that road again).  Understand that I did work only in the academic setting of her workload, not her CASELOAD which is so much more paperwork, time, and energy.  Working her schedule made me realize how much I am NOT differentiating to students who may have significant   deficiencies in th...