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What works (for me) this year

I am trying new things.  For example, the picture you see is my front door surrounded by leaf bag pumpkins.  Decorations seem to be so expensive after post epidemic, I decided to be more crafty. While not as fancy as the neighbors, it worked. 

That got me thinking because of the changes I've had to go through since coming back to my home-district as a math teacher.  It was a desire to almost create a Brand, something that made my classroom and routines unique, while not trying to piggy back off of someone else's style, as I had done in the past.  

Most teachers know this as a "steal and adapt" method, but it seems to be a Frankenstein creation without developing your purpose and meaning for your classroom.

Teachers, YOU decide how you are going to start the class period. Make it relatable, base it off your current work and/or topics.  In fact, I make warm ups based on Notice and Wonder (see previous posts on Sara Van Der Werf's references) or compare and contrast. Ever since Andrew Stadel came out with his Estimation 180 page, I have worked on "perfecting" the delivery of this for my 8th grade Algebra 1 classes.  They have developed such a routine that they look forward to coming in to class on time to see what the next Estimation180 problem is for Tuesday (for me, tomorrow).  Andrew has developed sheets for teachers to print out and use.  He has an estimation for 260 day calendar, so one could use this as their daily warmups.  Me-- I like to switch it up with different puzzles, WODB, etc. I have curated and ready to give any day of the week.  This works for me, but not necessarily the next teacher.

I also have numerous brain puzzles that I keep in the back of the room, and this is also something kids have learned to selfishly grab and play with in the classroom.  Sometimes they ask if they can get a candy for solving it (of course!). Thank you @svdwerf for pushing this idea.

One final thought, cell phones.  I have tried in the past to "encourage" students to put their cell phones in the back, and now I have a cell hotel (wooden box with four rows and six columns). Each "room" has a floor and a number; i.e., top floor is A, then B, etc. with rooms numbered from one to four.

As this post is noticeably late into the year, will most likely try to make another before Christmas.

Til I chalk again,

Mr. Shel


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